Lavin Estates | Fantastic front line sea view apartment
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  • Fantastic front line sea view apartment

Fakta Bilder

108m2 3 Sovrum i Santa Ponsa

As soon as you enter this unique flat, every visitor is mesmerised by the fantastic view. The unobstructed view of the sea, the bay of Santa Ponsa and the famous Malgrats Islands leaves nothing to be desired. The spacious terrace invites you to spend every free minute relaxing in the fresh sea air. The Mediterranean residential complex in the first sea line has a spacious communal pool area as well as direct sea access with a romantic beach. This beautiful flat offers three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The master bedroom has an en-suite bathroom and direct access to the covered part of the large terrace. The living room with Ibiza-style wood-burning fireplace flows into the dining area and open-plan kitchen. The flat also offers an additional room that could potentially be converted into a guest room or wine cellar. A dream property awaits you!
  • Boyta

  • Sovrum

  • Property ID

  • Badrum

  • Pris

    1 695 000 €

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    Due to discretion of the property owner we can't point out the exact address, but this gives you an indication of the area. Please contact us for more information.


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